Loose cannons

March 10, 1993

Stop press

"GST is not a tax on business." — Title of a talk by the executive director of the NSW Chamber of Commerce at a seminar on GST.

No tie?

"In Franklin, which the Liberals hold with a 1.8 per cent margin, the big unknown is the absence of the Goodluck factor. Mr Bruce Goodluck, who appeared in the House of Representatives dressed in a chicken suit, retired just before the election." — Sydney Morning Herald, March 2.

Their masters' voice

"Senior Canberra bureaucrats, worried about the major spending pledges to which both Labor and the coalition have committed themselves, are pushing for whichever party wins to drop many of their promises." — Financial Review, March 4.

He's got a job

"I personally refuse to accept anything less than full employment." — John Hewson in his campaign launch.

High tech

"On the evening of 27 December 1992 the newly built, high-tech San Joaquin County Jail in California experienced a computer glitch according to the electronic newsletter Risk-Forum Digest. As a result the computer system automatically unlocked all of the cell doors in a high-risk area, with a highly audible series of clicks, releasing about 120 potentially dangerous inmates who were being held in an "administrative segregation pod." — Intelligence Newsletter (Paris).

He's older

"Ten years have wrought their changes. The former prime minister who was once a 'larrikin trade union leader' ... is now a businessman, writer and TV personality, building a home on Sydney Harbour's millionaires' row." — Sydney Morning Herald article on Bob Hawke.

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