Lucas Heights meeting

February 24, 1993

Lucas Heights meeting

By James Clark

SYDNEY — A public meeting in Sutherland on February 18 heard debate on the proposed new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights. The meeting was attended by only about 30 local residents, which reflected more a lack of publicity than lack of concern.

Speakers were David Cook for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Heather Rice from the Lucas Heights Study Group and Councillor Rankin for the Sutherland Shire Council, which is unanimously opposed to a new reactor.

It emerged that a new reactor would have a 15 megawatt capacity using low enriched fuel rods. The estimated cost of building this reactor has more than doubled in the last two years to $150 million.

A report into an accident last April in which workers were exposed to large doses of radiation when removing a fuel rod highlights the dangers of the nuclear industry to workers and the community. The release of this report coincided with the closing date for submissions to the Reactor Review Committee, which didn't allow community and environment groups a chance to respond to ANSTO's submission.

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