ADELAIDE — "With M1, the people's movement is taking the initiative to protest against the rule of the corporate elite", declares the rallying call of M1 Adelaide, adopted at the coalition's February 7 meeting.
The statement asks trade unions, community organisations and individuals to join in efforts to build M1, which will involve a diverse range of protest actions on May 1, focussing on a blockade of the Adelaide stock exchange.
The call has already been signed by one prominent unionist, Stephen Spence, the chair of the United Trades and Labor Council's international committee and the state secretary of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.
"Following from the success of S11 which saw the global movement reach Australia in three inspiring days of mass people's power, activists around the country are getting organised to make M1 the next blow to the legitimacy of the transnational corporations' attempts to rule the globe," the rallying call says.
"The diversity of the new global movement gives it immense strength," it adds, "as we saw at S11, which brought together a diverse range of activists across issues and movements and across generations. In united action the strength of our message was immensely powerful and added strength and confidence to the growing movement for global justice."
The February 7 M1 Adelaide meeting also discussed further plans for lead-up activities. Activists are planning to present occupants of the Santos building, which houses the stock exchange and offices of corporate giants such as Microsoft, with a letter of explanation "inviting" them to join the May 1 blockade.
The group is also organising screening of documentaries from the S11 blockade at Adelaide and Flinders universities.
If you would like to get involved with M1 Adelaide or support the rallying call, phone 8231 6982 or e-mail <>.