Making ecocide a crime - international update

Conferences & public forums


5:00pm to 6:00pm Thursday 28 September


Free Webinar- Making ecocide a crime - international update with Jojo Mehta, Ecocide International.  Book

Around the world, communities, lawyers and even some nation states are advocating for 'ecocide' to be recognised as a crime. While ecocide laws exist in around a dozen countries world wide, Australian governments are yet to engage with the concept of making extensive environmental harm a crime. Join us for an important update about the global movement advocating for ecocide to be recognised as a crime in international law, and to learn about the organisations and nations who are leading the way.

Jojo Mehta Co-founded Stop Ecocide in 2017, together with barrister and legal pioneer the late Polly Higgins, to support the establishment of ecocide as a crime at the International Criminal Court. 

Dr Michelle Maloney is the Co-founder and National Convenor of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance

The Zoom link will be emailed upon registration, and again 1 day and 1 hour before the event.

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