The following comments were given by Desiree Santos Amaral, first vice-president of Venezuela's National Assembly, to Green Left Weekly.
Come to Venezuela, all of you in Australia. Come and see whatever you want to, and go back to tell the stories of what you see. Anybody, from the whole world, will be welcomed with pleasure ... listen to the people, and realise that the Venezuelan people have changed forever. We are not trying to trick anyone.
[We offer] a fraternal greeting to all Australians. Get to know us, and know that although we are very far away, the Australian people are very close to our hearts. Very interesting things are happening here. Come and see very beautiful things. We are going to offer an example for the world.
To all those present at [the September 30 Sydney] conference in solidarity with Latin America, I send greetings, as first vice-president of the National Assembly of Venezuela. Revolutionary greetings and solidarity, and my thanks to all those present, who appreciate the existence and struggles of the peoples of the South. Many thanks for your solidarity.