Marand engineering workers strike for higher pay

September 13, 2024
Marand Precision Engineering primarily supplies the defence industry, including parts for the F-35 strike fighter. Photo: Marand Precision Engineering

Marand Precision Engineering workers across two sites began a series of four-hours on September 12.

Members of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union were forced to start protected action at the Geelong and Moorabbin factories after talks failed in the Australian Industrial Relations Commission.

Currently, these workers have no rostered days off (RDOs) or income protection. There is no classification system based on skills and the base rate of pay is just $37 an hour for a trade level qualification.

This compares badly to trade workers in the construction industry, which has a 36-hour week, 9 day fortnight, two years income protection, better superannuation and receive $56 an hour (and a double rate for overtime).

Marand Precision Engineering primarily supplies the defence industry, including parts for the F-35 strike fighter. Its estimated annual revenue is $66.7 million and its estimated revenue for each employee is $338,800. Marand has 197 employees and the number of employees grew by 9% last year.

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