Marxism tour off to a great start

March 24, 1999

By Sean Healy

Resistance has organised a national speaking tour of campuses on the topic "What would Marx say today?". The four forums held so far have revealed a high level of interest among students for Marxist ideas.

At Sydney University last week, 70 people packed out the seminar room. At the University of Canberra, 25 students came along, including a few from the Canberra Institute of Technology.

Another 25 people attended the forum at the Australian National University, including international students from Indonesia, China, Bangladesh and Iran. Those attending had an interesting discussion about the "prematurity" of the Russian Revolution and revolutionary strategy in underdeveloped countries.

At Newcastle University, about 30 people attended the forum.

The success of these forums show that attempts by the establishment to banish Marxism to the "dustbin of history" have failed. A large number of students remain interested in the ongoing relevance of Marxist ideas. For details of the other seminars see the advertisement below.

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