May Day

April 24, 1996

May 1 is May Day, and since the 1890s workers have marched and rallied on this day to demand better wages and conditions. All around the world, people will take to the streets to show that despite the austerity drive by conservative governments in many countries, collective action is the way in which working people can show our strength.

With the election of a (more) conservative government in Australia, the cuts to jobs and services that John Howard is proposing are just the beginning of a larger offensive against the living standards of most Australians. The Coalition's industrial relations policy, for instance, is geared toward making more profits for bosses, rather than a better deal for working people.

As always, the establishment media will take the side of the rich and powerful, supporting the cuts as "economically rational". Green Left Weekly, however, is committed to presenting the point of view of the ordinary working — and unemployed — person, giving accurate information to help people unite in fighting the Coalition's plans.

Green Left has covered actions against attacks by state governments, and promises to bring you up-to-date information about the federal fight back as it unfolds.

Most of this year's May Day events are listed in Meetings ... Parties ... Anything on pages 29-31. Your support for these events is important, and by attending those events sponsored by Green Left Weekly you will also contribute to the best progressive newspaper in Australia. Green Left Weekly — it's your paper.

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