Metalworkers begin campaign

February 11, 1998


Metalworkers begin campaign

By Michael Bull

MELBOURNE — More than 250 metalworkers filled the Resistance Centre on February 4 to launch the Workers First opposition ticket to contest the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union state branch elections.

AMWU organiser Craig Johnson, who will contest the assistant secretary's position, spoke to the meeting about the betrayals and lack of organisation of the current leadership, and the general apathy around the union. "The Workers First team pledges to turn the union back into the militant force it once was", he said.

State secretary candidate Frank Fairley gave a history of Workers First after it split from the incumbent Left Group, set up in the 1980s to fight against right-wing currents within the union.

Workers gave accounts of the lack of service they receive from the union leadership, and the lack of consultation on deals the union makes. It was reported that the Left Group's campaign launch a few days earlier attracted only 30 rank and file members.

Workers First will contest the three office bearer and five organiser positions open for nomination. Ballot papers will be posted mid-April and the election will close on May 18. Workers First will have to raise around $50,000 to compete effectively with the incumbents.

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