Museworthy: The Birds' Necks

August 7, 2002


Museworthy: The Birds' Necks

The birds' necks are as fat
as a baby's thighs
I know, I wring them
When the birds are dead
they look very eternal
lying with their heads
at the spirit's angle
I place my lips to their feathers
and feel their speech
Their breasts curl to me
like the beginning of music
Beak and eye are just death
and so seeing, grabbing
and eating


MTC Cronin has had seven books of poetry published, the most recent being Bestseller (Vagabond Press, 2001) and My Lover's Back — 79 Love poems (UQP, 2002). After being employed for most of the 1990s in law, she has in recent years begun teaching literature and creative writing at secondary schools and universities. She is currently working on a PhD, Poetry and Law: Discourses of the Social Heart. Her books are available by contacting her at <> or phone (02) 9550 2918.

From Green Left Weekly, August 7, 2002.
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