Naarm: Permanent Visas Now, Refugee Encampment Closing Rally

Actions, protests & rallies


5:30pm to 7:30pm Tuesday 22 October


808 Bourke Street
Docklands VIC 3006


*Statement on the Refugee Encampment: Reaching 100 Days of Protest*

On October 22nd, we will mark the 100th day of our refugee encampment—a powerful movement that has been entirely self-organised by refugees in Melbourne. This encampment has been sustained through the hard work of many volunteers who have come together every day to cook meals, ensure overnight support, and hold countless meetings to keep the protest going. Many refugees took days off work and made personal sacrifices to ensure the encampment continued. We are reaching 100 days thanks to their incredible dedication, despite the uncertainty they live with daily, all to fight for their freedom.

This movement has had a significant political impact. Twenty-five crossbench MPs wrote to the Prime Minister calling for action on the issue. Many MPs spoke at our Friday night rallies, and numerous community groups came forward in support of the refugees. Library workers set up a small library for both adults and kids, and local residents offered coffee and homemade cakes, bringing the community together and raising awareness about the seriousness of this issue.

Tragically, over the last 100 days, we have lost four refugees to suicide. Mano Yogalingam, one of our own, was part of this encampment, and it has been incredibly painful to witness the loss of one of our people to suicide. This campaign has required immense energy, and refugees have given their all to make it happen. It is a historic moment in Australia’s resistance movements, where a small group of refugees took on the state and led a fierce and unmatched campaign. This will serve as inspiration for those fighting for justice in the years to come.

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