Arguably Australia's best band to hold a riot to, Melbourne-based The Nation Blue, released their highly anticipated third album Protest Songs on March 3. As the bio/release notes put it: "The Nation Blue mount the horses of the apocalypse with their third album, Protest Songs, and march forth to destroy themselves and at some point, music as we know it. The Nation Blue have left a string of towns and cities across our land in disarray. Burnt to the ground, locked doors blown off hinges and splinters as big as your fist thrown through solid brick walls of desperate little holding grounds — backwoods secrets and dark tales tucked away in dimly lit hallways of the far outer suburbs …
The Nation Blue's third album, Protest Songs, is a warning and testimonial to the anger and desperation held onto by the under belly. Obsessed with pollution and bored with conservative politics, their collective anxieties fester on the surface like disease. This album makes you scared because some of you know what it feels like to piss raw steel, and you've tried pulling those splinters out of the wall. The Nation Blue are proud to make you feel anxious." Available from Casadeldisco/Shock. Visit or
The Nation Blue: Soundtrack for a poignant riot
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