National Aboriginal gathering planned for the G20

May 2, 2014

A national gathering of Aboriginal people is planned to coincide with the G20 in Brisbane later this year. The overall purpose of this gathering will be to reignite the push for self-determination and decolonisation.

Leaders of the world’s most powerful nations, from [US president] Barack Obama to [Russian president] Vladimir Putin, will converge on the Queensland state capital in November. The summit will take place from November 15-16 at the Convention and Exhibition Centre in South Bank.

Premier Campbell Newman claims the G20 will be “another defining moment of our history” and says Brisbane should prepare for a “party bigger than Expo” in the lead up to the G20 summit.

He said: “We’re putting on the biggest celebration since Expo 88 to showcase our amazing state not only to the world’s media, CEOs and leaders, but to the very people who call this great state home as well.”

Aboriginal people will use the national gathering to focus on establishing a national Aboriginal assembly, reviving Aboriginal governance and representative structures on the ground across the continent, capacity building towards a treaty process, and launching campaigns both domestically and internationally to advance our cause.

This national gathering is organised by the Brisbane Treaty Collective, and supported by the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy and the Aboriginal Provisional Government.

It will be held from November 15 to 16, with the venue to be announced. All Aboriginal people are welcome.

[Reprinted from Brisbane Blacks Issue 4.]

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