News briefs

October 12, 2005

WANGARATTA — A panel of unionists discussed their concerns about the federal government's proposed changes to industrial relations laws at a meeting on October 5 chaired by NSW North East and Border Trades and Labor Council (NEBTLC) secretary Steve Felstead.

Michele O'Neil, Victorian secretary of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union, spoke about the conditions workers would lose under the proposed changes. Paul Gatto, a local lawyer and assistant secretary of the NEBTLC, gave an account of the many years of workers' struggles for the conditions they now have. He referred, in particular, to the fight to secure unfair dismissal legislation.

Joan Doyle, Victorian secretary of the Communication Workers Union, talked about the impact of the proposed laws on postal workers, who already receive low wages.

Bob Fuge

From Green Left Weekly, October 12, 2005.
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