No AUKUS | NO Nuclear | No Arms to Israel!

Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


11:00am Friday 08 December


Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre
11 Mounts Bay Rd
Perth WA 6000


Join us to greet folk arriving at the costly “AUKUS, Defence Industry and the UK’s role in the Indo-Pacific” WA business spruik-fest: featuring UK Minister of State for Indo-Pacific and the top brass from our ‘esteemed’ weapons companies, Babcock and BAE Systems (both with WA bases at Henderson and pockets being fattened under AUKUS), hosted by Perth US Asia Centre with Curtin University as one of the co-hosts.

We oppose

  • AUKUS nuke subs at HMAS Stirling and traversing Cockburn Sound and any attempt to nuclearise WA
  • Militarisation of our universities and STEM: Curtin is part of a new Alliance with UNSW, Adelaide Uni, Babcock and Huntington II; research collaboration and technology exchange with countries other than the US and UK will face extra scrutiny under a proposed new defence bill
  • Our government kowtowing to the anglo-colonials – what is the UK doing back in this region anyway apart from helping the US to try and drag us in to a war on China

We call for

  • Defence in WA to focus on our major security threat – climate change
  • Public funded research, local defence industry and SME contracts to prioritise mitigation and renewables

Furthermore we oppose the USA, UK and Australia’s complicity in Israel’s war on Gaza and corporations engaging in defence contracts with Israel and profiteering from death and destruction

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