No evictions, save Selwyn Street Paddington boarding homes!

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


5:00pm Friday 31 January


Outside Selwyn Street Paddington Boarding Homes
Corner Flinders and Josephson Sts
Paddington NSW


More than 20 vulnerable, mostly elderly men, risk eviction from their homes on Saturday February 1, 2025. In 2023, developer LFD Homes bought the four boarding house terraces in Selwyn Street Paddington, with the intention of evicting the tenants to build four luxury villas in their place.

Despite the state government and local council pledging to buy the boarding home terraces, the developer is not selling. The men have lived in their homes for decades.

The boarding homes will close on Saturday and evictions are imminent, so we must act now to stop them. Join resident groups, tenants, housing activists, community members and councillors at this action in Selwyn Street. Show LFD Homes we will resist their inhumane agenda.

Supported by: Save Selwyn Street Boarding Homes, Action for Public Housing, Community Dignity Respect, Elizabeth Farrelly (Killing Sydney author), Wendy Bacon (activist journalist), Pyrmont Action Inc, Greens Sydney Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore, Community Union Defense League, Socialist Alliance NSW, Australian Communist Party, Peter Strong Greens Councillor Bayside Council

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