No Weapons for Geelong

Actions, protests & rallies


3:00pm Friday 28 March


Marand Engineering (Old Ford Factory)
Melbourne Road
North Geelong VIC


Protest Against Marand Engineering: Stop Weapons Manufacturing

Join us on Friday, March 28th, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Marand Engineering (Old Ford building, Melbourne Road, Norlane) to protest the company’s role in producing components for the F-35 fighter jet. The F-35 is being used in conflicts that contribute to violence and genocide.

Marand Engineering, which is also exhibiting at the Avalon Airshow, is complicit in this deadly industry. We demand they cease production of components for the F-35 and other weapons of mass destruction.

Stand with us for peace and justice. Together, we can make a difference.

#noweaponsforgeelong #StopTheWarMachine #MarandEngineeringProtest #F35 #AvalonAirshow #PeaceNotWar

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