Due to popular demand, the special South Africa celebration subscription offer to Green Left has been extended by two weeks. For a further two weeks, you can subscribe to Green Left Weekly for six months (22 issues) for only $20, one-third less than our regular subscription price.
The victory of the ANC in South Africa is a victory for all humanity over racism. It is a victory that Green Left Weekly readers have been able to share through the reporting of Norm Dixon, our correspondent on the spot in Johannesburg.
In his four months there, Norm Dixon has contributed more than 30 articles on the situation in South Africa, the build-up to the election, results and the reaction among South Africans to the ANC's victory. For those who have regularly followed his reports, Dixon's stories have provided an accurate and sympathetic account of the politics of change.
The election in South Africa may now be over, but the struggle for reconstruction remains ahead. The challenges to the new government will be many and varied. Norm Dixon's reports will keep you in touch with the latest developments every week.
Why be satisfied with the like of CNN, when for only $20 you can receive in-depth coverage of developments every week in your letter box? Over the weeks, your Green Left subscription will provide you with a complete picture of developments in the new South Africa which you can consistently refer back to.
You can't afford to miss one issue. Fill out the clip-off on page 9 and return it now. Green Left Weekly — it's your newspaper.