NT expert panel recommends voluntary assisted dying

July 31, 2024
Advocates of voluntary assisted dying laws in NSW in 2022. Photo: Dying with Dignity NSW/Facebook

Advocates are pleased that the long-awaited Northern Territory Voluntary Assisted Dying Expert Advisory Panel Final Report, released on July 31, recommends it be made available in the NT.

The independent expert advisory panel, co-chaired by the Hon Vicki O’Halloran and Duncan McConnel, undertook a wide range of public consultation on voluntary assisted dying between August last year and May.

The report recommends VAD be made available to NT citizens (of 2 years or more) and sets out a recommended policy framework and relevant safeguards.

The panel heard more than 350 individual testimonies through public meetings, met with around 60 organisations, received 98 written submissions and received almost 1400 survey responses.

The report details 22 recommendations which the NT government will now consider. If supported, they will inform draft VAD legislation.

VAD advocates and the Australian Greens will be looking to keep this issue on the agenda in the lead up to the August 24 election.

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