NTEU statement: University of Sydney on strike

March 6, 2013
'No one in, no one out, shut the uni down' — Sydney University strike 2013. Video: Green Left.

The National Tertiary Education Union released this statement on March 7.

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University of Sydney staff are on strike today — for the first time in a decade.

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) is taking action over stalled enterprise agreement negotiations.

“We’d rather not take industrial action in the first week of semester but management’s contemptuous approach to staff claims has left us with no alternative,” said NTEU Branch President Michael Thomson.

The NTEU is mounting pickets on all seven main entrances to the University of Sydney campus in Camperdown from 7am.

Members and supporters will rally at 12.30pm at Eastern Avenue, City Road. Speakers include Matt McGowan (NTEU Assistant National Secretary), Anne Gardiner (CPSU/SPSF Branch Secretary), Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon, David Pink (Sydney Students’ Representative Council) and staff members.

“Staff are geared up for this fight, the biggest for 10 years, and students will also joining us on the picket lines,” NTEU Branch President Michael Thomson said.

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