Community Action Against Homophobia released the statement below on May 10.
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Marriage equality advocates are preparing to hit the streets across Australia on Saturday May 12 in a national day of protest, just as US President Obama declares his support for equal marriage rights.
Cat Rose, Community Action Against Homophobia co-convener, said: "If Obama can see the light, why can't Gillard? It's a bit embarrassing to have Australia fall behind America yet again on the issue and a shame that instead of taking the opportunity to get in step Gillard has come out straight away saying that her position is unchanged.
“It's time for her to ditch it — history is turning so why not be on the right side? Gillard and Obama have a real chance to leave something for the next generation — they should go for it!"
CAAH co-convenor Bryn Hutchinson said: "The ALP need to be sent a strong message that you cannot be a progressive party while also shutting people out from equal citizenship.
“There has been an opportunity to show leadership on this issue, but that time has passed- now we need to see that the government is anything more than mere words. With Obama joining with conservative Tory Prime Minister David Cameron speaking out for marriage equality in the UK there can be no excuse for Australia not to get on board.”
[Sydney’s Rally for Marriage Equality will take place at 1pm, May 12, Town Hall, with Tom Ballard and Claire Hooper as guest speakers.]