“If it were ever completed, WestConnex would be the biggest underground motorway system anywhere in the world and certainly, per kilometre, the most expensive,” states the October edition of EcoTansit News.
“Yet it won't solve Sydney's traffic problems and instead, will take much-needed funding away from other, integrated public transport. It just doesn't add up!”
Now the NSW Baird Coalition government-sponsored project, paid for by NSW taxpayers, is calling for submissions on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the M4 East tunnel extension. The closing date for these is 5pm on November 2.
It's not too late: you can write as little as one page, or as many words as you're inspired to write.
The easiest way to make a submission is to go to A people's EIS, created by anti-WestConnex groups, and follow the prompts and links.
Alternatively, use the back page submission of EcoTransit News. You can post your submission to the Department of Planning: Director, Major Projects Assessments, Project No. SS16307, Department of Planning, GPO Box 39
Sydney, NSW 2001.
Go to the NSW government's major projects website, select “On exhibition” and click "view projects currently on exhibition". Select WestConnex M4East. Type your submission direct into the email form provided and/or attach a submission as a PDF file. Under the “your comments” box there's a required box titled “Your view on the application”. NoWestConnex groups recommend you select “I OBJECT to it”.
[Adrienne Shilling is a No WestConnex Public Transport activist.]
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