'Opera House 2' donate to Iraqi doctors

November 17, 1993

SYDNEY — On May 23, David Burgess and Will Saunders gave $10,000 to Dr Salam Ismael from Doctors for Iraq. Burgess and Saunders were jailed for nine months in 2004 for painting "NO WAR" in giant letters on the Sydney Opera House two days before the US-British-Australian invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003.

The donation to Ismael was money left over from donations received to pay the $151,000 compensation bill to the Opera House that was imposed on Burgess and Saunders. "We have always stated that if we raised more than the required amount, it would go towards rebuilding the destroyed Iraqi health system", Burgess said.

Kim White

From Green Left Weekly, May 31, 2006.
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