Original, fresh and funny

December 9, 1992

Original, fresh and funny

Life on the Edge
Cartoons by Judy Horacek
Introduced by Dale Spender
Spinifex 1992
86 pp. $14.95
Reviewed by Vannessa Hearman

The work of feminist cartoonist Judy Horacek has finally been compiled into a collection called Life on the Edge. Horacek's cartoons have appeared in a number of journals and publications, including Green Left Weekly. Her cartoons have been used by community groups, women's groups and unions.

Most of her work consists of social and political commentary on areas as diverse as the environment, poverty, the media and feminism. She manages to find new angles on these, as well as seeing the funny side of the progressive community, as exemplified by the "correct line calorie counter" and the jokes on the post-everything academic jargon. Her cartoons are not all straight out political, some are wistful reflections and observations on the world around us. The mundane, like clutter, dead fish and cotton wool, take on a humorous colour.

Horacek's work is original, fresh and funny. It is bound to make you laugh in these so-called nervous '90s.

Cartoons are an effective medium to satirise society, as well as a form of political education. It is wonderful to see the work of this cartoonist finally appear in book form. Obtain a copy from your bookstore and chuckle your way through the "festive" season.

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