Pat Denny
The Labour Party Pakistan has issued a financial appeal to help maintain the newspaper Mazdoor Jeddojuhd (Workers' Struggle), which is Pakistan's only weekly Urdu-language socialist paper. The campaign is running until October 31. In addition to finding new subscribers for the paper, the appeal aims to raise 500,000 rupees (US$8400) to maintain the paper as a weekly.
Mazdoor Jeddojuhd has been published since November 1980, and for the last nine years it has come out on a weekly schedule. Through its website <>, the paper is read in more than 47 countries by thousands of people. It is the only progressive Urdu paper available on the net.
The paper consistently fights for working people's rights and opposes militarisation, discriminatory laws against women and minorities, and religious fundamentalism. It advocates peace and democracy and opposes corporate globalisation and imperialist occupation.
[For information on donating email <> or visit the Labour Party Pakistan website at <>. Australian readers can donate through the People's Power Fighting Fund, Commonwealth Bank Account No. 2026 1006 0743 Broadway NSW.]