Parramatta preselects socialist candidate

August 17, 2007

Rachel Evans, a well-known campaigner for refugee, workers' and queer rights, was preselected as the Socialist Alliance candidate for the federal seat of Parramatta at a meeting of the Sydney West branch on August 7.

A committed grassroots activist, Evans has worked on a wide range of issues over the years, from organising protests against imperialist wars in the Middle East, to environmental campaigning, and against the federal government's introduction of "voluntary student unionism". Last year, Evans was the National Union of Students' national queer organiser and she has been centrally involved in the campaign for same-sex marriage rights.

Evans is committed to trade unionism and workers' rights and is currently campaigning in solidarity with the Esselte workers in Sydney's south west, who are on strike against the company's attempt to force them onto individual contracts.

Regular Green Left Weekly readers will be familiar with Evans' articles on queer, feminist and workers' rights issues. She is currently studying Spanish and journalism.

In Sydney's western suburbs, the Socialist Alliance will be campaigning for the repeal of the Work Choices laws and improved education and health services, for justice for Indigenous people and equal rights for queers. Other key campaign foci are the defence of civil liberties, the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and for serious action on climate change. To get involved in the campaign, email <>, phone (02) 9687 5134, or visit < http://www.socialist-A HREF=""><>

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