In the 2004 federal election, the name "Socialist Alliance" appeared on the ballot paper for the first time.
It happened because of the emergence of the Socialist Alliance as an effort at left unity, but also because of the enormous determination of its members to win formal electoral registration for their new organisation.
Then came the fourth Howard government, complete with Senate majority. This not only opened the gate to horrors like Work Choices, it also allowed the cabinet to impose nasty amendments to the Commonwealth Electoral Act, including removing prisoners' right to vote (since ruled to be unconstitutional), and a daunting new bureaucratic steeplechase for regaining party registration.
Once again, however, Socialist Alliance members proved up to the challenge. After months of sweat and strain, the alliance regained its electoral registration in late August — the precious name "socialist" will again appear on the ballot paper.
It's an indication of how draconian the amended act is that of the 19 registered parties who in December 2006 automatically lost federal registered party status, only four have (so far) succeeded in regaining it.
Victims of the new act, from across the political spectrum, include the Progressive Labor Party, Fred Nile's Christian Democrats, HEMP and Liberals for Forests, as well as state divisions of the Greens and One Nation.
So the reappearance of the socialist option in the forthcoming election is already a small triumph. It wouldn't have happened without the base of support in the community and the movements that six years of alliance involvement in struggle have built up.
But now election time is fast approaching and the Socialist Alliance has to make another appeal to our supporters. And in a year where the federal government has already spent $120 million on television advertising, it's easy enough to guess what we now need — money!
In the words of famous Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky: "A party is made, and it is made with the aid of money and ... funds play a deciding role in the mechanics of 'democracy'."
It's more important than ever that we get the socialist message out far and wide at this critical election. The stronger our campaign, the more we can contribute to the "It's time" vibe, the mood that Howard's days are numbered.
Also, the stronger the vote for the Socialist Alliance (and the Greens), the clearer the message that people don't want Labor in Canberra to be a continuation of the Howard years.
And if Howard somehow manages to hold on, the bigger the alliance and Green vote, the stronger the basis for resisting the next wave of Coalition attacks.
The Socialist Alliance election campaign is already under way.
Our groundbreaking Climate Change Charter was rated by Vote Climate 2007 as the best party policy on global warming. The sign-on "New Vision for Australia" by our Queensland Senate candidate Sam Watson is already attracting broad support.
Our Federal Election 2007 Campaign Forums website, where members and supporters can exchange ideas, get the latest news and access resources, is attracting a lot of participation (check out <>).
But how much more we can do depends directly on the financial support the alliance receives now. While Liberal and Labor rake in millions from the public funding of parties and from their corporate friends, our socialist campaign depends totally and exclusively on what we get from our members and supporters.
The alliance has launched a special fund appeal to help us raise the tens of thousands of dollars needed to build a decent election campaign. We're asking every member and supporter to think about adopting a concrete personal funding goal, like a House of Representatives seat deposit ($500) or candidate placards for one electorate ($1500).
Since the 2004 poll, the Socialist Alliance has been at the forefront of the struggles that have helped put Howard in the desperate position he is in today. Whether it was pressuring the ACTU to call the protests that allowed working people to express how much they hate Work Choices, helping organise the "Stop Bush" rally at APEC, leading the protest movement against the disgraceful treatment of Dr Mohamed Haneef, building the struggle for equal marriage and adoption rights for gay and lesbian couples, or demanding justice for Mulrunji, Socialist Alliance has been in the thick of it.
Please give as generously as you can manage, and make an investment in the socially just and environmentally sustainable world to which we are all committed. Your donation will make a difference, for this election campaign and beyond.
Dick Nichols
[Dick Nichols is the Socialist Alliance national coordinator. To make a donation to the Socialist Alliance campaign, visit <>. All donations up to $1500 are tax deductible.]