A pathway out of native forest logging

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


6:00pm Monday 30 September


Redfern Town Hall
71 Pitt St
Redfern NSW


FREE, registration essential: https://nb.australiainstitute.org.au/sydney_pathway_out...

The end of native forest logging is underway in Australia.

WA and VIC closed their native forest industries, and NSW should be on the same path.

Join Dr Sophie Scamps MP, Independent Member for Mackellar, for a discussion about the pathway out of native forest logging for NSW.

6pm Monday 30th September
Redfern Town Hall

Dr Scamps will be joined by the Australia Institute's Stephen Long, Senior Fellow and Contributing Editor, and Vanessa Bleyer, spokesperson for Native Forests and the Director and Principal Lawyer at Bleyer Lawyers.

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