Peace action planned
A national women's peace action and festival is planned to be held at the Australian Defence Industries Munitions Factory in Benalla, Victoria, during Easter next year, from April 14 to 16, 1995.
The action will be an opportunity for women to voice opposition to Australian militarism and its role in regional and global conflicts. The action will include workshops, information stalls, street theatre, and mass actions.
The Benalla plant is to manufacture a range of weapons including assault rifles, machine guns, rockets, torpedo discharging equipment and ammunition. ADI has a 20-year $1.4 billion contract with the Department of Defence. Last year ADI also signed up approximately $70 million worth of overseas business, predominantly in the Asia Pacific area.
The ADI plant being built at Benalla is planned to take the place of other plants currently operating at Footscray and Maribyrnong in Melbourne, and at St Marys in Sydney. As a result of this restructuring, the number of employees is being reduced from 3500 to 350. The plant is scheduled to begin manufacturing in March '95
For more information, contact Margaret, c/- Australian Nonviolence Network, PO Box 474, Seymour Vic 3661, ph (057) 938 400; or Clare Cole, 12 Hillside Pde, Glen Iris Vic 3146, ph (03) 889 5848.