Peace and AUKUS don't mix

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


6:30pm Tuesday 06 August


NSW Teachers Federation auditorium
37 Reservoir St
Surry Hills NSW


The AUKUS agreement has grave significance for Australia. It jeopardises our security through making us a nuclear target. On Hiroshima Day, the anniversary of the first use of an atomic bomb, nuclear clouds are gathering. In the AUKUS pact, Australia is drawn into US and UK government preparations for war. The huge Australian public spend on nuclear submarines, and the open-ended commitment to foreign military priorities, are to the detriment of addressing urgent community and social needs and priorities for a resilient, safe, independent and peaceful Australian society.

Supported by: Labor Against War (LAW), Greens Peace and Anti-AUKUS Campaign (GPAAC), Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition (SAAC), Independent & Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN).

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