The People United Against Genocide, Injustice, Oppression & Occupation

Actions, protests & rallies
Australian Capital Territory


10:00am to 1:00pm Tuesday 08 October


Outside Parliament House
Canberra ACT


Activists, First Nations Elders, Nakba survivors, MP’s, multi-faith leaders, NGOs, academics, healthcare and aid workers, union reps, solidarity groups and artists will converge on Parliament House in Ngambri/Ngunnawal country, Canberra, for a protest and press conference.

Co-chairs: Assala Sayara, Palestinian activist; Rawda Alshroof, UOW Palestine Liberation Zone

Press conference speakers:

Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi
Sarah Saleh, Palestinian-Lebanese-Egyptian activist, author & human rights lawyer
Dr Peter Slezak, Jews Against the Occupation '48
Leah House, Aboriginal Tent Embassy activist
Samah Sabawi, Palestinian activist, poet & playwright
Tamara Halil, Palestinian activist
Olivia Serougi, Teachers for Palestine NSW
Dr Bushra Oman, Palestinian-Australian surgeon recently returned from volunteering at Shahuda Al-Aqsa Hospital in Gaza
Dr Muntasar Musameh, cardiologist, Palestinian Australian New Zealand Medical Association (PANZMA)
Dr Ola Alladasi,  medical scientist, Palestinian Australian New Zealand Medical Association (PANZMA)
Dr Liyana Kayali, Palestinian activist and academic

Rally speakers and performers:

Sheikh Wesam Chikari, community leader
Mark Goudkamp, Teachers for Palestine NSW
Markela Panegyres, Trade Unionists for Palestine
Surya McEwen, Surya Sails for Palestine
Greens Senator David Shoebridge
Fathima Rayyan, Youth4Youth Wollongong
Labiba Abdellatif, Wollongong Friends of Palestine
Antonio Aguilar, cellist
Subi Awad, We Vote For Palestine
Anhar Kareem, IWWA Youth Committee
James Godfrey, Free Gaza Australia
Daniel Coward, Freedom Flotilla Volunteer
Rafeqa Mahmoud, Palestinian elder
Yahuda Aharon, Jewish public school teacher
Elina Sayarah, poet
Adam Adelpour, Stop the War on Palestine

How you can help:

Book a seat on the bus from Sydney here
Contribute to the costs of the event here

Endorsed by:

ANU for Palestine
Free Gaza Australia
Wollongong Friends of Palestine
Ireland Palestine Solidarity "Australia"
Uni of Wollongong Palestinian Liberation Zone
Palestine Action Group Canberra
Healthcare Workers for Palestine
Little Palestine at Albo's
Trade Unionists for Palestine
City of Sydney for Palestine
Fairfield for Palestine
Northern Rivers Friends of Palestine
Tzedek Collective
Australian Greens
Free Palestine Geelong
We Vote for Palestine
Stop War on Palestine
Inner West for Palestine
Socialist Alliance
Central West for Palestine
Nurses & Midwives for Palestine
Jews Against the Occupation '48
Palestine Justice Movement
Free Palestine Newcastle
Sydney Palestine Actions
Mountains for Palestine
Youth4Youth Wollongong
Families for Palestine
Teachers for Palestine NSW
Georges River Council BDS





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