People's History podcast launch: The fight against anti-Aboriginal racism in the 1920s and 1930s

Arts, culture & social functions
Gadigal Country/Sydney


6:00pm Saturday 14 September


Sydney Trades Hall
4 Goulburn St
Sydney NSW


In the 1930s, after many years of racism, mass meetings of mainly white trade unionists and unemployed workers began declaring solidarity with Aboriginal struggles.

How did this happen? How did Aboriginal activists and white radicals win the argument for solidarity? How did workers and unions help end frontier violence and fight against settler colonial brutality?

Join us at the iconic Sydney Trades Hall for the launch party for our upcoming podcast episode to hear about this amazing history. We’ll be hosting a panel discussion with Paddy Gibson, author of the excellent PhD thesis ‘Stop the War on Aborigines’: The Communist Party of Australia and the Fight for Aboriginal Rights, 1920-1934, prominent Aboriginal historian John Maynard, author of Fight for Liberty and Freedom: The Origins of Australian Aboriginal Activism, and Victoria Haskins, author of One Bright Spot, a history of one woman’s activism against child removal policies.

Come along for a fascinating discussion of these crucial historical issues and a wonderful night of socialising and celebrating. Drinks and food provided!

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