MANILA — On November 6, my son, 23-year-old Marx Vergel Melencio (BJ to us), was shot in the chest and head by an unidentified man. A CT scan showed that a bullet hit his optic nerve.
Witnesses say the attack followed an apparent altercation with four people. None of these people have been apprehended.
On November 8, BJ underwent brain surgery. He is now under observation. There is only a slim chance that BJ's optic nerve will heal. He will have to stay in hospital for at least three weeks.
We are appealing for donations to help us with BJ's huge medical expenses, which may be up to $US10,000. Having worked full-time for the Philippines' revolutionary movement all my life I have no access to such a large sum. If you can help in any way, please email me at <>.
[Sonny Melencio is a leader of the Party of Philippines Workers (PMP) and a long-time supporter of Green Left Weekly and Links, the journal of socialist renewal.]
From Green Left Weekly, November 26, 2003.
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