Photos: Refugees march for permanent visas

September 7, 2024

Hundreds of refugees and their supporters marched through the streets of Melbourne on September 6 in the latest demonstration calling for permanent visas for refugees.

At least 10,000 refugees have been left in limbo for 12 years without permanent visas and without basic human rights.

See more photos on the Green Left Facebook page.

Marching for permanent visas
Marching for permanent visas. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Drumming on the march
Drumming on the march. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Freedom and justice for refugees
Freedom and justice for refugees. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Protesting at Southern Cross station
Protesting at Southern Cross station. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
12 years too long
12 years too long. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
More at Southern Cross
More at Southern Cross. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Refugees need permanent protection
Refugees need permanent protection. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Refugees need permanent visas
Refugees need permanent visas. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

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