Photos: Remembering TJ Hickey

February 14, 2025
TJ Hickey's family after the march through Redfern, February 14. Photo: Rachel Evans

For 21 years, Gail Hickey and her family have been marching for justice for her son, TJ, who died after being impaled on a fence,  in Redfern, while being pursued by two NSW Police vehicles.

He was just 17 when he died in 2004.

On February 14, TJ’s mother and extended family and allies marched through Redfern again, demanding justice.

Despite an inquest and a 12,000-signature petition calling for an inquiry that was ignored by the NSW Parliament, the Hickey family continues to fight for justice.

The family is requesting the City of Sydney agree to allow a memorial plaque for TJ to be safely placed in the Redfern Community Centre. It is currently at Waterloo public housing towers, where TJ died.

However, as they are at risk of being demolished for private apartments, the family want the plaque to be rehoused.


Aunty Gail Hickey (in white T-shirt) on the march for her sone TJ. Photo: Zebedee Parkes


Photo: Zebedee Parkes


Aunty Gail Hickey. Photo: Zebedee Parkes


David Bell and Aunty Gail Hickey. Photo: Zebedee Parkes


Photo: Zebedee Parkes

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