Every year Green Left runs a fund appeal to help cover the costs of producing the paper. 1995 is no exception. This year Green Left will again need at least an extra $100,000, above what we receive from sales, to ensure that we can go on publishing.
At the 16th National Conference of the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) in early January, members of the DSP took account of Green Left's needs. The DSP is a major sponsor of Green Left Weekly. Democratic socialists spend large amounts of time each week writing for the paper, helping to produce it and distributing it.
At each DSP conference, members may make a pledge to Green Left for the coming year. This pledge is not of hours of time, or even articles to be produced, but a pledge to the Green Left fund appeal, which they then pay off over the year.
At the 1995 conference, a record amount of pledges was made. Collectively, DSP members pledged a little over $60,000 to the fund appeal for 1995. All involved must be congratulated, but it doesn't totally solve the problem. Even with this massive pledge, Green Left will still require an extra $40,000.
How can you help? You could always make a pledge yourself, or make a donation (see the clip-off on page 4). Otherwise, you might like to come along to a Green Left fundraiser in your city. Join with other supporters, have a good time and know you're doing your bit for the paper.
Whatever you do, please spare some time to think about how you can help spare Green Left from its creditors. Green Left Weekly — it's your newspaper. n