P&O wharfies reject new 'death bonus'

July 19, 2000


P&O wharfies reject new "death bonus"


SYDNEY — Waterside workers at P&O Ports' White Bay site have labelled as a "death bonus" a new bonus scheme brought in with less than a week's notice and without consultation with the Maritime Union of Australia.

Union Committee News, a newsletter produced by the MUA committee at White Bay and nearby Glebe Island, condemned the scrapping of the old bonus system, saying the new scheme was unfair and would promote dangerous work practices.

Management has total control over the new scheme, the union committee claims, and would be able to allocate ships that are easier to work to those teams that toe the line, leading to unequal bonus earnings. The MUA committee rejected the new bonus scheme after meeting with management on July 3 and has called on the branch to support the retention of the old scheme.

It is now considering taking the matter to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, claiming the scheme breaches enterprise agreement provisions for proper consultation. The new scheme is to be trialed for three months.

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