(apologies to Dorothea Mackellar)
I love an unburnt country
A land that’s much less hot
Where coal and oil have disappeared,
Where Clive Palmer just is NOT.
I love an unburnt country
And unflooded too,
Where leaders see reality.
I do, and so might you.
Do you love smoke-horizons,
And a polluted sea?
Scott Morrison may like them,
But please don't ask me.
I love a decent country
With wide horizons, it is true,
But with some humanity and love.
I do, and so might you.
But what we have is otherwise,
Rain and floods cause grief,
A denying government,
Extinctions, dying Reef.
When we think of extinctions
From official inanition,
We might hope for extinction
Of this wretched Coalition.
A cruel heartless government
Jailing innocents for years
Paying millions to their mates,
Stoking China fears.
‘We’ll protect you’, they assert.
We don't know what that means.
A Great War with China?
Invisible submarines?
Now an election’s coming,
Here’s a line we can rehearse:
Though Labor’s uninspiring,
It can scarcely do much worse.
Sing of a healthy country,
And cleaned-up land and sea,
Where koalas, gang-gangs prosper,
A wide Green Land for me.
Low emissions by 2030?
To promise is not to do,
Have the electors realised?
I have, and so — I think — have you.