Polish poster exhibition
By Bronwen Beechey
MELBOURNE — Polish posters are regarded as highly sophisticated works of art and are remarkable for their innovative design concepts, their spontaneity, simplicity and daring.
From May 1 to June 8, 53 examples of the art of the Polish poster can be seen at a free exhibition at the PostMaster Gallery, National Philatelic Centre, 321 Exhibition St (enter from Latrobe St). The exhibition includes recent work by 83-year-old Tomaszewski, considered the father of the Polish poster school, and new works by Walkuski, whose images both repel and seduce with a complex interplay of sadism and sensuality.
The subjects range from advertisements for theatre performances to posters commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. For more information, phone (03) 9204 7727. Pictured: A circus promotion poster by Waldemar Swierzy.