Campaign planning & activities
Conferences & public forums
Regional NSW
1:30pm to 3:30pm Saturday 16 September
Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre
1/20-22 Kincumber St
Kincumber NSW 2251
Kariong Sacred Lands and Protect Ourimbah State Forest forum and planning meeting.
1. Protect Kariong Sacred Lands
- Aunty Colleen Fuller (Traditional Custodian from the Darkinoong and Yuin tribes)
- Jake Cassar (Coast Environmental Alliance founder)
- Lisa Bellamy - NSW Coordinator of the Indigenous Aboriginal Party of Australia
2. Protect Ourimbah State Forest
- John Seed (Rainforest Information Centre founder)
- Ursual de Silva (Founder and coordinator of Camp Ourimbah)
- Brian Davies (Campaigner for transparency and justice)
Donations at the door. Free parking.