Protect Trans Youth National Day of Action - Boorloo (Perth)

Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


4:00pm Saturday 08 February


Pride Piazza Northbridge
142 Lake St
Northbridge WA 6003


Join us and help stop the LNP’s attacks on trans health care.
All young people deserve to grow up healthy, happy, and with the freedom to be themselves. For many trans kids, gender affirming care is life-changing, and often life-saving, healthcare.
That’s why it’s so appalling that Health Minister Tim Nicholls has announced that the Queensland Government will be pausing prescribing puberty blockers and HRT to new public health patients under the age of 18.
This attack on evidence-based healthcare should come as a warning.
We have seen in the US how attacks on the healthcare of trans youth was only the first step in Trump's campaign to take away people’s right to make decisions about their own lives and bodies – including the right to an abortion, and access to medication for the prevention and treatment of HIV.
The signs are clear - if we let what is happening in QLD go unchallenged it could embolden Peter Dutton and the LNP to support a national ban. That’s why we need to make an example out of Queensland, and ensure that the national backlash against this decision is so deafening that they overturn the decision.
If we act quickly we can turn this around, and stop our government taking away our rights, freedom, and healthcare now.

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