Protest against One Nation planned in Darwin

August 20, 1997

Protest against One Nation planned in Darwin

By Rohan Gaiswinkler

DARWIN — A coalition of political and community groups is organising a peaceful rally to be held adjacent to a One Nation party recruiting meeting in Nightcliff on August 26. The aim is to build a broad opposition to the racism, lies and distortions that have been promoted by Hanson and One Nation.

Organisers believe that it is not enough to ignore racism, hoping it will go away. They plan to use the protest to distribute information that counters racist ideas.

The rally will enable people from different backgrounds to express solidarity with each other, and help unite the community and inspire further anti-racist activities.

"The action is not intended to obstruct individuals attending the meeting", Tim Stewart, a rally organiser, told Green Left. "By offering information and voicing opposition to the promotion of prejudice and fear, we want to challenge and defeat racist ideas rather than censor and conceal them."

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