Protest appointment of Lee Jong-Sup as South Korean ambassador to Australia

Actions, protests & rallies


12:00pm Saturday 23 March


Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2601


The Korean-Australian community expresses profound indignation at the appointment of former Minister of Defence Lee Jong-sup as the Ambassador to Australia, considering it a serious affront and an international disgrace perpetuated by President Yoon Suk-yeol's government. 

We view this event as a flagrant disregard for the constitutional order and national dignity of the Republic of Korea, and we deeply regret that an individual under government investigation has been appointed to represent our Korean-Australian community.

Therefore, Australia Candlelight Action demands the following:

1.President Yoon Suk-Yeol must immediately rescind the appointment of Lee Jong- sup as the Ambassador to Australia.
2.The Corruption Investigation Office For High-ranking Officials must conduct a swift and fair investigation into the circumstances surrounding the unjust death of marine Chae, for which Mr. Lee is implicated.
3.The South Korean government must apply stringent criteria when selecting representatives for the overseas community and prioritise the honour and dignity of its citizens in all considerations.

Australia Candlelight Action calls for a thorough reckoning of the government's corruption and malfeasance in the upcoming general elections. We, alongside the Korean-Australian community, commit to stand against corruption and illegality and strive towards a just society.

Through this statement, Australia Candlelight Action aims to deliver a strong message to the South Korean government. United, we assert our rights and vow to pool our strength to protect our self-respect and the dignity of all Korean-Australians who felt cheated and ashamed by this appointment.

Australia Candlelight Action

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