Family members and supporters of Eric Whittaker rallied outside NSW Parliament on on July 4, the first anniversary of his murder.
Speakers at the action included Eric's mother, Margaret Hall, Diane Whittaker, Elizabeth Jarrett, Padraic Gibson, Raul Bassi and Ken Canning.
Whittaker was a 35-year-old Kamilaroi man put in Parklea Prison for an alleged breach of bail conditions.
The Walgett father of four was imprisoned for only two days before he was fatally injured in the prison.
He was sent to a number of hospitals before being put into an induced coma at Westmead Hospital. Even in a coma, Whittaker was subjected to gross indignities — he was shackled to his hospital bed, where he died.
Giant pictures of Eric chained to the bed were placed on NSW Parliament gates, shocking passers-by.
A banner condemned Corrective Services NSW Commissioner Peter Severin for his role in Whittaker’s death.