Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle
Forrest Place
Perth WA 6000
We are already seeing the horrific results of women and people in the USA being unable to access essential healthcare and seek abortion. The decision is already being used by US States like Alabama to challenge other basic and hard-won rights, such as access to gender affirming medications and surgeries. We need to continue to condemn the conservative backlash against women and LGBT+ rights, and fight for a world where we have control over our lives, bodies, and futures.
In WA, access to abortion is regulated by the criminal code and is both complicated and costly. If abortion is not free, legal and on-demand throughout the state then we do not have full abortion rights.
Join us for a third rally on Friday evening to demand that abortion be free & legal across the world, from the USA to WA.