“No powerlines through koala habitat”, was the main slogan of a protest rally of people from the Logan area, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast outside the Queensland parliament on October 7. The protesters had gathered to present a 2000-strong petition opposing electricity company, Energex, plans to upgrade powerline infrastructure near their homes.
Veto Energex Towers Organisation (VETO) spokesperson Laurie Koranski said they did not believe the impacts of the plan had been fully investigated. VETO has already lobbied successfully to have some powerlines placed underground.
Energy Minister Stephen Robertson gave the group an undertaking that he would review all submissions before making a final decision on the project, the October 8 Courier-Mail reported.
Placards carried by the protesters declared, "Energex = Environmental vandals”, and "Stop Energex; Save the koala”.
For more information, visit www.veto.org.au .