Protest: Kill the Bill rally: no to labor's deporation law

Actions, protests & rallies


2:00pm to 4:00pm Saturday 11 May


State Library of Victoria
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


Labor is proposing a law that would:

* send to jail anyone who does not go along with being deported, even if to severe danger
* allow the Immigration Minister to cancel someone's refugee status
* allow the Immigration Minister to place a ban on anyone coming from a country if it does not cooperate with Australia over deportations.

This puts tens of thousands of people living in the community at risk.

Join this rally. Labor needs to hear loud and clear: kill the bill!

Speakers include:

* Saajeda Samaa, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
* Hasti Kamran, Overlooked Children Campaign
* Sanmati Verma, Human Rights Law Centre
* Senator-Elect Steph Hodgins-May, Victorian Greens
* Praveena Thurairajasingam-Mukunthan, Tamil Refugee Council

More information: David Glanz, 0438 547 723, or

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