Actions, protests & rallies
Kaurna Yerta/Adelaide
Parliament House
Cnr North Tce & King William St
Adelaide SA 5000
Almost one year ago, Albanese was elected on the platform: 'No One Left Behind'.
However, while the very well-off have certainly not been left behind, those on JobSeeker, living on $49 a day, have been once again forgotten, including in this year's Federal Budget.
Despite the Government's own review – the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee – recommending a "substantial raise" to JobSeeker, once again, the poorest people are being treated with the same cruelty we received from Abbott, Turnbull, and Morrison.
Why is there always money for tax cuts for the rich, for subsidies for fossil fuels, for tax breaks for property investors, for huge defence spending, but never money to ensure that job-seekers and students can keep a roof over their head and put food on the table?
We have been told to wait, over and over again. But why should we have to keep waiting, year after year, for a raise, when there are billions and billions of dollars being spent on the big end of town, which could be used to lift people – all people – above the poverty-line?
Join us on Sunday May 21 – the 1-year anniversary of the Albanese Government – as we call for JobSeeker and all Centrelink payments to be lifted above the poverty-line, and for a Federal Budget that truly leaves 'no one left behind'.