Protest: One year of the Gaza genocide

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


1:00pm Sunday 06 October


Sydney Town Hall Square
Sydney NSW


We are approaching the horrific milestone of one year since Israel began it's current genocidal campaign in the Gaza Strip.

One year of continuous bombing and massacres, of siege and starvation, in which an estimated 180,000 Gazans have been killed, a third of them children. A year of lies and racist dehumanisation of the Palestinian victims of this genocide. A year of governments around the world, including Australia and the US, continuing to support and arm Israel.

We need huge mobilisations around the world to stand with the Palestinian people and demand an end to the systematic massacre, starvation and destruction of Gaza.

Israel's killing and oppression of the Palestinian people did not begin on 7 October, and is not limited to Gaza. Israel is escalating the violent ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and Jerusalem. We march on 6 October 2024 to remind the world that the struggle for Palestinian liberation has been ongoing for over 76 years, and will not end until Palestine is free, from the river to the sea!

Please help us to spread the word and make this the biggest mobilisation we have seen all year!

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