Protesters say ‘Never again’, 79 years since bombing of Hiroshima, Nagasaki

August 5, 2024
Protesters marking Hiroshima Day. Photo: Jim McIlroy

Anti-war protesters marked the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, saying on August 3 “Never again!”

The rally, which started at Sydney Town Hall and marched to the Defence Department, was organised by Hiroshima Committee Sydney and supported by the Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition (SAAC).

Radhika Raju, from the Hiroshima Committee, said the risk of nuclear war is higher than it ever was. The war in Ukraine and Palestine could well escalate into nuclear exchanges.

She said Western leaders’ response to keep providing weapons and political support to continue the wars exacerbates the risks.

Peter Murphy from SAAC said the nuclear submarines and Opposition leader Peter Dutton’s plan for nuclear power were adding to the risks.

Former NSW Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon and environmentalist Dr Mark Diesendorf also spoke, addressing the ongoing impact of the Hiroshima atomic bombing.

Protesters called on Labor to pull back from the Coalition’s policy of pursuing a war with China.

[For more information visit]


Photo: Jim McIlroy

The Hunter Peace Group organised a similar protest on August 4 in Muloobinba/Newcastle.

Niko Leka reports that speakers drew comparisons between the  bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the genocide in Palestine, and the dire implications of the growth of weapons companies in the Hunter.


Muloobinba/Newcastle Hiroshima Day commemoration. Photo: Niko Leka


Photo: Niko Leka

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